LIT Retrieval Request Form

Here, you can request to have items withdrawn from the LIT database to be ready at check-in. Local players may request their entire inventories to be withdrawn and/or specify 20 priority cards they must have at the game's start. I will attempt to have all cards pulled, but as I'm limited on time, I will prioritize everyone's 20 specified cards first. Players may submit one form per character. The deadline to fill out the form to receive items will be Sunday night (April 7th) before our closer. Any submissions after this deadline, and I can't promise they will be processed in time for the game. Travelers can also withdraw 20 cards(and any SoCal local Prints) due to the limited time to prepare travel gear, but they will be served after local players. We are also allowing players access to their LIT inventories during the game as usual. While at the post office, simply state that you would like to use resources from the LIT database for your current transaction.

20 priority cards per character attending
• Travelrs 20 cards and any local prints after all Local Cards have been written
• non attening will be written and mailed after or available at the May Memorial

Some currencies will be delayed as we don’t have a lot of foreign currency.
We will fill all requests, but we may run out of time on some of the larger inventories and they will not be fully available for our closer and will be delivered after.