All Criminal Influence activity directed through Story comes in the form of cooperative mods for those interested in the cloak and dagger and darker concepts within play. They incorporate numerous other skills and are open-ended in design, such that there are numerous ways to approach the mods. While plot will never directly place you at odds with the greater playerbase, many actions occurring through criminal influence will be in-character crime based, and if caught, may result in requests for CvC.

If you are looking for a play experience more focused on direct CvC, consider joining the Red Ledger society (coming soon).

A History of Criminal Violence

After the Big One, crime as most know it became rampant on the Broken Coast. Entire fledgling settlements were wiped out over handfuls of trade notes or resources. However, once civilization began to take a stand once more, there were far fewer reasonable targets, so the thugs, murderers, thieves and gangs of the Broken Coast turned to on other. Waterways were made unsafe by pirates, and roads impassable by highwaymen and their impossible tolls. This is until the Grand Syndicate was formed - a council of scoundrels.

The leading and most notorious criminals of the Broken Coast found a seat and a voice there. After much negotiation, number crunching, bribes and occasional knife in the back, the Syndicate Ceasefire was made - an agreement by all criminal organizations to cease direct killing and harming of other criminals, for the sake of greater progress in some cases, and profit in others. This agreement held for a time, but eventually the honor among thieves began to run out.  Seeing the need for a stronger hand at the wheel, the previous societies of the Syndicate were dissolved and unified under La Familia.

La Familia

Smuggling, theft, grift, extortion, murder-for-hire - La Familia handles every kind of dirty business, and they take business very seriously.

La Familia is the default society for Criminal Influence in SoCal. An Action Request is not required to join, as it is accessed through the Criminal Influence skill. If you would like to experience a semi-formal induction please submit an action request, otherwise assume you “know a guy.” Participation is open to traveling players. Criminal mods are usually included in the online Mod RSVPs, with further information available at the Post Office.  Success at a criminal mod awards a voucher for an extra item from the Criminal Influence Purchase List, according to skill level, in addition to other material rewards specific to the mod.

Murder, Inc.

While La Familia is all about business, Murder Inc. is all about purpose.

“Not ascribing to any single faith, Murder Incorporated is a league of assassins, spies, murderers, and espionage masters who have been networked across the wasteland with a single goal: the greater good at all costs.“

Detailed information about Murder Inc. can be found on the webpage of Most Improbable and DR:CT.  Note that the documentation is a guide for local chapters on how they might choose to run Murder, Inc.  There is no one “right way” to run Murder, Inc. content.  The “right way” is the way that best serves our local storytelling and community.

Murder Inc. in SoCal is focused on CvE, although it does take place in the Wasteland zone of play, which is an open CvC zone. While you can never be forced to enter the Wasteland, participation in Murder Inc. will be limited if you opt not to.  Murder Inc. content is intended to be very challenging and risky (and potentially rewarding), involving risk of Infection loss.

Joining Murder Inc. requires that you join one of three subsects: the Adherents of Betrayal, the Chapel of the Bone Watch, or the Silenced Knell. There are no families under these to join in SoCal. Each of these societies is detailed in the Murder Inc. documentation. Joining requires at least Basic Criminal Influence, and an Action Request. This leads to a semi-formal induction in-game, which includes signing a blood contract (IG) and play expectations acknowledgement (OOG).  Traveling members of Murder Inc. are expected to check in with the local Inner Circle - more information will be available at the Post Office. As a Traveler full membership and participation in local Murder, Inc. content requires an Action Request.

Characters are able to join and participate in both La Familia and Murder Inc.




The El Dorado Cell (most often referred to as simply “The Cell”) is the largest local Red Star group. While they are close-knit to each other, as Red Star innately are, they also strive to be an inclusive community, welcoming of all those who abide by their Principles.

El Dorado Cell is the “default” society membership for local Red Star. Red Star characters are assumed to be members, requiring an Action Request and approved backstory to enter play as part of a different cell, or without a cell.  The Cell also serves as an option for Non-Red Star characters who prefer not to be inducted into a faith, but wish to belong to an ideological community. Non-Red Star may pursue membership in-game, as described below.


  1. Collaboration:  The Community is our extended family, just as the Cell is our immediate family.  Our faith is to each other and our collective goal is mutual survival and betterment through community action.

  2. Self-Reliance:  To positively impact those around us, start within the self.  Discover your talents and pursue your goals so that you might better serve your community.

  3. Inclusion:  Anyone may join our cell.  We are accepting of all strains and faiths alike, so long as faith in your fellows and community comes before your other devotions.  Therefore, all members must be agnostic, without faith, or unbaptized in their spiritual practices.

  4. Awareness and Action:  Seek knowledge and keep abreast of current and political events.  Contribute to society by participating in your civic duties.  Perform community service, take part in political processes, and contribute to the public defense.

  5. Equity:  In matters of commerce, reject greed and fight against the excesses of capitalism.  Be fair in your dealings and set pricing on equivalent exchange, not profit.

  6. Charity:  Do with less and spare the extra when you are able.  When the community thrives, no person should be without.


Initiation in the Cell is a tremendous commitment, and not something to be taken lightly. The Cell requires a trial period lasting no less than 3 months (requiring an Action Request), during which the prospect is both tested and mentored. When an initiate is ready they undergo a civil ceremony and promise to uphold the Principles of the Cell.  This ceremony requires the use of Basic Faithful Patterns by a Red Star member of the Cell. Once accepted into the cell there is no hierarchy – all members are equals.




Anyone who has met a Baja 10 will tell you they are not like your average Diesel Jock clan. Easily identifiable by their cherished hawaiian shirts, the Baja 10s share the road and their food much as their Rover cousins. You’ll never see them burning rubber through the wastes when they could be cruising low and slow.  But don’t mistake them for easy pickings. The clan is widespread in the Southwest, is fiercely protective of each other, and has a healthy affinity for guns. Their oasis rest stops are often filled with the smells of hot food and local drugs and the sound of King and Queen’s Court oration.

Bajas are an Inclusive and welcoming Diesel Jock clan with tiki aesthetics and vibes inspired by Southern California culture and West Coast hip hop/rap. In general, Baja 10s do their best to help out those who need help or are lost. They are rarely hostile without reason and will generally contribute to causes that are for the greater good. Mostly King and Queens court and mostly Diesel Jocks, though there are plenty of exceptions.


The Seven Gears are the laws by which all members of the Clan live. Beatings are often administered for minor infractions, with scarring and mutilation for more serious crimes. Should a member do something drastic, death or exile are called for. A common punishment for those outside the clan is to have the offender’s teeth bashed out and replaced with metal ones. To “check someone’s grill” means to see if they’ve committed some crime against the clan.

The Gears are as follows:
1. The Clan First: This one says it in the name, never put anything or anyone else before the well being of the Clan.

2. We Cruise: Don’t run when you can walk. Keep a level head, and be cool and make sure everyone sees you being cool.

3. There’s Plenty of Road: There’s lots of Clans out there, and the road calls to all of us. Stay in your lane, and put down the road hogs that don’t.

4. Mind the Traffic: Respect our Rover cousins, and treat them with the respect Mama Baja’s rescuers deserve. Their kindness birthed a Clan.

5. Feed the Meter: Just like there are no free rides, there’s no free parking, neither. Follow the rules of the garage, and contribute to it accordingly. 

R. Rep Your Hood: Don’t hide who you are. Stand tall and proud. Build up your fellow Clanies and we will all benefit.

N. Nothing Wrong with Roadkill: Never look down on the gifts the road and others give you, especially food. 


The Clan has only recently begun accepting all Strains, so only Diesel Jocks and Rovers may enter play having been born into the Clan. A character of any Strain may enter play as a member who has successfully joined as a prospect. To enter play as a member an Action Request is required, as well as out-of-game discussion with current players. 

If not born into the Clan, then those wishing to join must prospect (requiring an Action Request). A full member must first vouch for the prospect, becoming their sponsor, and gain the approval of three other members. Once four members of the Clan have given the okay, a Rover in good standing with the Clan must be present when the prospect is sworn in. The original sponsor recites the Gears and how they feel their prospect has lived up to them. At this point any present may speak against the prospect denying them entry into the Clan. Should they be approved by all, the prospect makes a Rover promise to uphold the Gears, ensuring not only the Clan’s wrath but also that of the Rovers should they break with the Clan. Then, as their first act as a Baja 10, the new member prepares a meal for those that vouched for them and the Rover that witnessed. 


+ The Broken Legion


As a result of life in the wastes, there are many survivors who are left by themselves because of their crew dying or falling apart. For those who still wish to dedicate themselves to a higher calling and further the development of mankind, the Broken Legion has a place for you. Founded by survivors of four extinct factions in El Dorado, the Broken Legion is known for two things: the excellence that they promote among their members and the projects they undertake to help advance society. All those who wish to prevent a second Fall and rebuild civilization are welcome in the Legion.

Faction Tenets

A.) Rebuild civilization or prevent its decline back to chaos: On a small scale and large, we must be willing to put ourselves in danger so that others may survive.  Once the fighting is over, we aid others in furthering the advance of civilization.  

B.) Waging war must be the last resort for resolving conflict. However, if waging war is warranted, then it must be waged in the most efficient manner possible: Every threat has a proportionate response. Collateral damage gives fodder to the Gravemind.

C.) Remember to live outside of fighting: A life spent fighting is not a complete life. Find a way to aid others without swinging a sword or pulling a trigger. Whether that’s cooking meals, scrounging for supplies, or even playing a pleasant tune on an instrument, we can all help each other in some way, however small.

D.) Words have power. Use them sparingly and with a purpose, lest your words lose their power: There is often a desire to brag about one’s gear or abilities in battle as a way of helping measure one’s self worth. Doing so too much breeds resentment and other hostile feelings among our allies as well as gives our enemies information on our capabilities.

E.) Always strive for mastery of a subject while understanding that there is always more to learn: Once a certain level of mastery is reached, there’s often a belief that everything that can be learned on the subject has been learned. This can blind you to new developments and therefore should be avoided at all costs.  Whether a master or a fresh face, you always have room to grow.

Joining the Faction

The process of joining the Legion, on its face, is much like that used by other factions. If you wish to join, talk to a current member about sponsoring you and submit an Action Request. If they think you are a good fit, they will introduce you to the rest of the Legion as a prospect. This prospect period will last for 3 months. During this prospect period, the expectation is that you will assist current members with their current projects. In addition, expect several tests designed to test your ability to learn and think on your feet.

At the end of the prospect period, a full vote with all Legion members shall be taken. A unanimous vote is required to officially join the Legion. If a unanimous vote is not achieved, the reasons for not accepting the prospect into the Legion must be stated. If the reasons for nonacceptance are deemed serious enough, a second vote for discontinuing their prospect period shall be held. If 75% of the members agree to terminate the prospect period, that person is barred from prospecting for one calendar year.

Leaving the Legion

A full member of the Legion may at any time announce that they do not wish to remain a member. Should this occur, they retain whatever personal equipment they have, even those built with Legion resources. Any equipment that is considered part of the Legion Loaner program, however, must be returned immediately. Failure to do so within three months of leaving will be considered theft and be treated as such.

At any time, a current Legion member may call for the expulsion of another member. This action should not be taken lightly and requires serious and/or repeated violations of the Legion Tenets. Initiating expulsion proceedings is a CvC action. As soon as is practical, a full vote by current Legion members shall be taken excluding the person who is the subject of the vote. The person initiating the vote must state their case before the group before voting occurs. For a person to be kicked out of the Legion, a unanimous vote in favor is required. A second vote must then take place: whether the person is to be considered persona non grata or not. As before, the person initiating the vote must state their case for persona non grata treatment and a unanimous vote in favor is required for it to go into effect. People considered persona non grata by the Legion are barred from using Legion Loaner equipment and Legion members are barred from doing business with or healing them in any way.




The Keepers of the Word are both a Society and a Cult of Faith.

The written word and collective knowledge of the past are the closest things to a divine left in the world. To write and spread knowledge is to carry a piece of that divine with you. The Keeper faith is centered around and devoted to this divine Word. It is their belief that in producing any kind of written work, be it a journal, scientific notes, fiction or otherwise, the author transcribes a piece of their soul. There is no greater cause that a Keeper is called to than to preserve and defend the written word, as when it is lost so too is the author. The libraries of the Keepers stand as a light shining brave and alone in the hope that by safeguarding the past and recording the present, a future born from the dark may be secured.


  • Seek out the written Word in all its forms. They are the visions of the past where we may learn.

  • The written Word is a tool to be used and studied, its knowledge is neither good nor evil.

  •  Defend the Word at all costs. That which is lost may never be recovered. 

  • Spread and preserve the stories and the lessons of the past so that history will not repeat itself.

  • Everyone has a story to tell. Record the events of the present to brighten the future.

Sects of the Keepers:

Librarians: The watchers of the Library and leaders of their local Chapter, these strains archive, organize, and protect all written knowledge, blueprints, and books collected from the far reaches of the wasteland. Only the Librarian can give approval for access to the more rare and precious knowledge of the Library and only under their watchful eyes. 

Shushers: The primary group that would actively take up arms against those that would destroy their fellow Keepers. They are the guards that watch over the Libraries, protect the Pagemaster, and defend those who assist them in their cause. 

Seekers: To fill the Libraries with books for all, they must first be found. That is the job for the Seekers. They travel around the wasteland, following the leads of rumors, and digging through old libraries to find what they seek. Not only will they seek written works of the past, they will also record the events of the present. 


Accensorites and Remnants may enter play inducted into the Keepers faith and with Society Membership: Keepers of the Word by submitting an Action Request, as well as out-of-game discussion with current players. Other Strains must pursue membership in play.

Those wishing to join must prospect for a 3 month period (requiring an Action Request). During this period the prospect is mentored and tested regarding their understanding of the Keeper tenets. Should the mentor and majority of the local Chapter agree that the prospect is sufficiently studious, they will be inducted and issued their library card.

Should an individual wish to surrender their library card and leave the faith they may do so freely, following an interview with the Chapter Librarian. Only a Librarian may revoke a library card, and this is not done lightly (requires social CvC negotiation). A Librarian’s library card may only be revoked by the Pagemaster.


+ Children of the Electric Sky 

is both a religion and society


A group of individuals that believe that kings and queens were messengers of the Beat and not people to be followed. The power comes from the Beat and not the Kings and Queens. They believe that throwing massive parties every year is a good way to bring peace and harmony to the wastelands. While they have roots in the KQC religion they also embrace the hedonistic aspects of life, however without celebration of greed, wrath, or envy. This Electric Sky provides for itself in such a way that they don't need to feel these sins. There is no inherent hierarchy in the faith but usually there are leaders from the three sects that work with each other to make sure all aspects are taken care of. Wubluv, Harmony, and Tookie Morningdew are the most prominent figures of the religion as they are the ones who started it. They are a polycule that promotes healthy free love across the wastes.

Starting in the Faith

Accensorites and Red Stars may enter play inducted into the faith and/or with Society Membership: Children of the Electric Sky by submitting an Action Request, as well as having an out-of-game discussion with current players in the Cult. Other Strains must pursue membership in play.

Joining the Society

Those wishing to join the society must find a member of the faith to adopt them for a 3 month period (requiring an Action Request). During this period the P.L.U.R. Pup is mentored and taught the tenets of the faith. During this time they will aid in the production of the Cult's raves, making kandi, attaining drugs, and aiding with the music selection. When their Parent deems them able to roll on their own the Pup organizes their first Rave and is brought into the cult during the event.

Leaving the Society

Should an individual wish to leave the Cult, they may simply do so. The last tenant is Respect, and that includes the choice of those who wish to leave. Peace, Love, Unity and Respect.

The Basic Tenets of the faith are

  1. Peace.

    •  Always try to bring peace to those around you while keeping peace in your heart. Take no actions that will bring another fall of society.

  2. Love.

    • Love freely and spread it around. Love is a resource most people lack now. Love can change the world

  3. Unity.

    • We are all in this together. Do what you can to bring people together. Always work with the people of the town.

  4. Respect.

    • Respect the boundaries of people. Not everyone can hang like what we can and that's okay. Always offer and invite even if they won't accept. 


Rail Shakers - Rail Shakers are the ones that feel the biggest urge to cut loose. They are the most impulsive of the group and feel emotions stronger than most people. They have no problem fighting their way thru hordes of zed or raiders to the next massive so they can be upfront to the show. These  people are usually front and center to make sure nothing stops the beat or interferes with everyone else’s good vibes. 

Event Planners - These are economists and crafters that get into the brass tax of what is needed to throw an event. They are constantly organizing people to brew more drugs and make more food for the party. A lot of the society members end up in the sect of the group as they are the ones who focus a lot on the organization of the group’s members. 

Plur Parents- The PLUR Parents are the people that look after each member as if they were their own flesh and blood. They consistently care for the mental and emotional well being of members of the faith and community. Many of the priests of the faith come from this chapter.


+ Central Light



The Central Light is a faith dedicated the betterment of yourself via natural means. Where other faiths may seek outside sources to physically alter you, the Central Light is focused on what is already inside you. Your muscles and your brain are what make you great. Through rigorous training of your body and your mind, there is nothing you are incapable of doing.

The Central light also focuses on community and sort of indirect way. By being the best you that you can be, you will be the best benefit to your community that you can be. Bettering yourself doesn't need to be done alone, there are many tools that are available to you be they books, weights, or friends.

The goal of the Central Light is to foster healthy growth both a player and a character. By reaching out to sources available to you, you can find out who you are and who you want to be. With a healthy community beside you, there is nothing that can't be done.

Tenets / Guiding Principles:

-SELF- Always be true to yourself, to do anything else is a disservice.
-GROWTH- Always strive for better. The longer you idle, the tougher it is to continue.
-REST- Always be aware of your limits. a bit of rest is necessary for growth.
-BALANCE- Strive for balance in all things, you need both your body and your mind to function.
-OTHERS- Take heed of those around you. Not everything needs to be done alone.

How to Join / Leave:

All that is needed to join is a want to do better for yourself. Have a chat with a priest of the faith about your goals and how you plan to go about achieving them. If the priest feels that you truly do want to better yourself, they will welcome you in and help you get started on your journey to your Central Light.

Leaving the Central Light is also quite simple, whether you don't feel the faith is right for you anymore, or you feel you've reached your peak we ask that you find a priest and inform them that you are leaving the faith.


Pursuers of the Physical:
Pursuers of the Physical strive for perfection of the physical body more than that of the mind. Daily training consists of exercise and combat drills. There is always a new technique to perfect or learn. Nothing will stop Pursuers from attaining mastery of their own body.

Wanderers of Wisdom:
Wanderers of Wisdom seek to understand the world around them. They seek any and all forms of knowledge. The best way to help yourself become the best you is by having the knowledge to know what needs to change. Wanderers of Wisdom spend the majority of their time finding ways to enrich their minds to better understand their limits.

Searchers of Symmetry:
Searchers of Symmetry take pride in having a balance of mental and physical proficiency. It is just as common to find them reading a book as training their body. Nothing is as important to a Searcher as balance.

Ego Eccentrics:
Ego Eccentrics have taken building themselves up to a point of obsession. It is not enough to be better than yourself, but you must also be better than everyone else. If you're not the best, then everything and everyone else is pointless. Just because they don't work as hard as you doesn't mean you need to slow down for them.


+ Parasol Research Group



An organization of scientists, crafters, and innovators striving to gain knowledge wherever possible and to push the boundaries of current technology. The group prides itself on strong scientific methods in its experiments and a breadth of studies spread out amongst several departments. The Parasol Research Group became a subsidiary of the Banking House of Clement and Greer financial institute following The Big One, although they operate fairly independently.

OOG Explanation:

A group of scientists and researchers that are the go-to society for information and experimentation. They are largely neutral in most conflicts and are primarily interested in uncovering old technology, discovering new technology, and finding answers to strange phenomena. Toyetics, puzzles, bunker dives for lost technology, and local blueprint creation are common for plots involving Parasol.

Guiding Principles:

Sound Scientific methods: Parasol believes that research and experimentation must be conducted with well practiced methodology, safety, and with goals in mind. We do not approve of “eat this and see what happens” or “maybe if I shove this mysterious crystal in my eye I can shoot lasers” types of experiments.

Knowledge in the right hands: As the boundaries of technology, anomalies, and the known world are pushed, we must make sure that the knowledge to unlock dangerous powers does not fall into the hands of those who would use it to impose their will or to destroy us all.

Clean up your workstation: Whether it be putting equipment back on the shelf or hunting down an abomination that you have created and released into the world we make sure not to leave behind any mess from our experiments.

Record your findings: Any bit of information, no matter how trivial, may be useful to future research. Note down results, methods, and any other details you can for the archives.

Joining the Parasol Society:

You must have at least Basic skill in Education and one of the following: Artisan, Culinary, Medical, or Necrokinetics. In addition, one of those skills must be at least Proficient (e.g. Proficient Education and Basic Artisan or Basic Education and Proficient Culinary).

When you have the prerequisite skills, you may submit an application (in game via post office) to join Parasol that must include the following:

  1. Why you want to join and what you could contribute

  2. Which department you are interested in working under (listed below)

  3. Details for a thesis, experiment, or research you wish to do as a demonstration of your scientific aptitude. Outline any hypothesis, questions, equipment or samples needed, and any other relevant details

If your application is accepted, you will then set up a time (through an OOG plot action request) to conduct your experiment/research. You will then record your findings in a report and Parasol will accept you into the society based on that report.


There are several departments in Parasol focusing on specific research. Working under one department doesn’t exclude you from participating in research from other departments

  • Gravemind Studies: Focuses on gravemind behavior and other Mortis phenomenon

  • Medical Division: Works closely with Wasteland Medical to study diseases and innovative medicine

  • Centrifuge: Advancement of the highest technology and study of new materials

  • Pre-Fallogy: Researching the past for any grain of past knowledge and the discovery of preserved pre-fall sites with occasional field missions to recover what is left

  • Reckoners: Psionic studies and anomaly chasing. They seek to understand unique, high level anomalies and (occasionally) attempt to contain them