Aftermath and Season 11
Ahoy, Hellions! Thank you for your patience while restructured for the new season. Director roles were recently announced, and you can expect the Specialist Guide roles to be announced shortly. No doubt you are wondering what to expect this weekend at our 4-day Premier event, “Aftermath” as well as in the new season. Wonder no more!
RSVP Mod Descriptions
will go up tonight, with signups opening tomorrow at 8pm. Please note that is one day earlier than usual (because guess what? So is game!)
Feed the Trawls
Early in the weekend of Aftermath, survivors will have the chance to help Sans Califia Sails construct tools for their Trawling Barge. This will unlock a Zone of Mechanics which functions per the Helscape Mine blueprint, with an added option to select Spire Fragments in place of Named Scrap. Why the change in flavor? We just thought digging a big hole might be ill-advised at the current moment, due to the…
Shifting Tides
After the detonation of the town’s spiretech device,Painted Lady, the area was stricken with a series of quakes and a tsunami. While the waters have receded somewhat, water levels are both higher and less predictable than before. With the High Tide come water-related zone effects and threats, while the Low Tide brings mud, sand, and the things that dwell beneath it.
Extended Augments
Following a module at Aftermath to unlock the improvements, Augments crafted at the Artisan bench may be fitted with Spiretech to last longer (on a local plot card). For a cost of 5 Spire Fragments (any color) such augments will last for an additional 3 months. They will also carry the Spiretech keyword, which is totally safe, trust me. Standard augments may also be extended, but once written on a local plot card they cannot be reverted. This change is to encourage more engagement with the Augment system, which is one way to specialize your character (especially in combat). You can also expect Lineage Threats to have augments for their gear as well, and you can take it from their dead hands.
Favor Cards
Another new local system is that of Favor cards. These represent being owed a favor by someone in the wastes, and can be cashed in for various benefits during a module. Favors are divided into four familiar categories - Combat, Civilized, Wasteland and Anomaly. Here’s how they can be earned - modules that involve helping out someone of influence are tagged with one or more of the favor categories. Success on the mod rewards a number of Favor cards that belong “to the town” and are kept by Story. They can be spent by consensus of LCs (i.e. have a meeting about it). Moreover, individuals with a Profession Focus Achievement can generate additional Favors for themselves by participating in a related mod and spending 1 Resolve, once per event. Personal Favors are the same as town favors, but can be kept, traded, hoarded, or combined with others (but never stolen). For example, a scouting module is tagged as Wasteland Favor. On completing the module, the town earns 3 Wasteland Favor, which Story keeps. An LC who has a PFA in any Wasteland skill can spend 1 Resolve to earn a personal Wasteland Favor, which they keep. Later on, the town decides they want to spend Wasteland Favor for the zone effect “Silence is Golden.” They’re a bit short on Favors, though, so some survivors contribute from their personal stash. The national Ark currency can also substitute for any amount of Favors to pay for a single effect (all the way up to the highest cost of 25 Favors). Only 1 effect paid for with Ark may be active at any time, and spending Favors always needs to be reported to Ops in the twelves prior to use.
Several chapters have this as a local keyword, and we are following suit. Damage that causes a target to enter bleedout and is accompanied by the keyword “Slaughter” drops that target’s bleedout timer to 1 minute. Effects that prevent Cannibalize also prevent this effect.